Friday 19 June 2020

Why we should meditate/exercise every day

What is Pranic Healing? According to Health Write For Us, Mental Health Write For Us, and Health Guest Post, it is a mix of Rainbow Reiki, Shamballa Reiki, Morning Meditation, and Soul Healing make up for Pranic Healing.

We should meditate and exercise regularly to keep ourselves fit and relaxed.We should meditate and exercise regularly because Meditation helps us in improving attention and focus.Exercise helps in improving Physical and mental health. Meditation mainly focus on mental health and Exercise mainly focus on physical health.
 How to Meditate - Mindful

The Pranic Healing System offers a range of meditations for anyone looking to relieve stress to someone who wants to take their meditation practice to a deeper and higher level. Pranic healing is based on the fundamental principle that the body has characteristics of ‘self-repairing’. By self-healing, we mean that the body is empowered with the innate ability to heal itself.

Pranic healing is based on two laws. One is the law of self-recovery and the second law is of prana or life energy. Armed with these two basic laws you can start the process of miraculous healing. Pranic Healing is a technique used by the practitioners to channelize the life force or prana around you and control and direct it to use for our betterment and for our emotional and spiritual healing.

Benefits of Pranic Energy Healing

We already know the impact of pranic healing on our body and our mental and spiritual health, so what are the other benefits of this unique healing technique? Find out more:pranic-energy-healing

  • This technique can be administered to children when they suffer from high fever. Parents can bring down the temperature of their children within a few hours.
  • Besides fever, the technique can work its magic on coughs and colds also!
  •  Pranic Healing can also help with  major illnesses which includes eye, liver, kidney, and also heart   problems. Just within few hours, the conditions can be effectively  treated.
  • Besides treating various health conditions, it can boost your stamina and improve your health.
  • Bring about inner peace and happiness.
  • Improve your memory and concentration.
  • Enhance spiritual growth
  • Reduce stress levels.
  • It can also generate good luck and prosperity.
  • Improve interpersonal skills.
  • Improves your self-esteem.
It is best to meditate when it is quiet and the energy of the day has not begun in fullness.What I mean is before dawn while still dark. Before sunlight appears our inner senses are more attuned to silence and a calm before the days activity begins. The mind is usually, but not always clear or fresh from sleep.

Tip: If you have a great control on your things so you can go at a anytime without plan it. Meditation dont required any time to do. Because meditation get you beyond time and you cant feel time in deep meditation.
thanks for reading..........................💚💚💚


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