Wednesday 10 June 2020


Women Entrepreneurs in India have come a long way.According to survey women entrepreneurship in India is increasing at a significant rate. Today, women constitute of 10% of the total entrepreneurs and are also making significant efforts to achieve economic growth in the country. However, women in the transitional economy are still facing issues like unavailability of resources, no support from family, gender discrimination, financial barriers etc.
Women constitute around half of the total world population. So is in India also. They are, therefore, regarded as the better half of the society. In traditional societies, they were confined to the four walls of houses performing household activities. In modem societies, they have come out of the four walls to participate in all sorts of activities. The global evidences buttress that women have been performing exceedingly well in different spheres of activities like academics, politics, administration, social work and so on. Now, they have started plunging into industry also and running their enterprises successfully.

On the other hand, many Indian women are still undertaking entrepreneurship due to factors such as increased level of education, family support, help from various government and non-government organisations.

Only about 14 percent of Indian women own or run businesses, according to the Sixth Economic Census, conducted in 2014. More than 90 percent of companies run by women are micro enterprises, and about 79 percent are self-financed.            

• The emergence of women entrepreneurs and their contribution to the national economy is quite visible in India. 
• The number of women entrepreneurs has grown over a period of time, especially in the 1990s. 
• It is estimated that women entrepreneurs presently comprise about 10% of total number of entrepreneurs in India, with the per cent growing every year and if the prevailing trends continue it is likely that in another five years women will comprise 20% of entrepreneurial force.  

These programs are Introduced by Government of India only for encouraging women entrepreneurs in India and encourage Women Empowerment in India
This is survey on women entrepreneurship in Indian states below....
We can see Tamil Nadu consists of highest no of women entrepreneurs in India,followed by U.P then kerala.

To sum up we can say that Women comprise around half of the human population. But Indian society is still male-dominated and women are not treated as equal partner, either inside , or outside the four walls of the house. In fact, they are treated as weak and dependent creatures. But now days situation are change, govt. take various initiatives to promote women entrepreneur.

agricultural work with the male family members. They are not earning money in that time but they are saving

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