Tuesday 23 June 2020

Business vs Jobs: What’s Better?

Business vs Jobs

What’s Better?

You need to take Transformational Coaching/Confidence Coach, understand What is Business Finance, the Importance of Entrepreneurship, Corporate Funding, Money Network, Stock Trading System, Leads Online, etc. if you want to do business. On the other hand, if you want to opt for a job, you can choose one from Part time Jobs for Students, Online Jobs, Home Based Jobs, etc. 

Job comes with little to no financial risk whereas business involves a much greater risk. In times of financial crisis in business, one can also end up losing their personal assets whereas the one with a job can always enjoy the satisfaction of going home and live on its savings for time being.

Both have its own charm. Being on both the sides for an equivalent amount of time in my professional career, I have experienced the ups & downs in both the cases I.e. In a corporate job & an entrepreneurial journey.

This is a age old question in everyone mind. Those who are in jobs always dream of running their own business and vice versa. But always remember both these options have its pros and cons and after analyzing multiple options you can take the decision.
Why do people prefer jobs over business?
Everybody is excited about owning a company and having a chance of becoming rich. But fear is stronger than desire for almost everyone except those weird risk-takers that end up as for example entrepreneurs. Most people like stability and safety. That is one of the main reasons they prefer a job to starting a company.
 JOB VS BUSINESS शोक पुरे करना है या बस ...
I prefer business over job. Working for my dream is a big attraction as compare to working for others. I specially give advise to those people to do business who are wise, intelligent, creative, innovative and passionate. Such people should not waste their caliber, abilities and creativity for the craze of job.
Now, let me sum this up in plain English working for the man” and making the owner rich doesn’t mean squat. All that does is make you feel bad about yourself and plays into your insecurities. You should choose to do what YOU want to do as it relates to YOUR goals. Why should you resent the fact that others are benefiting from your efforts? Is it such a bad thing that you are helping others achieve their goals? If so, that’s not personal development…it’s just sour grapes.
hank you for reading..................

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